1.  A Bachelor of Education course lasts three or four years.

2.  A booming economy, low unemployment and years of peace have made it difficult to replenish the graying ranks of white supremacists.

3.  A change in administrations following this years presidential election could affect how aggressively federal officials pursue the case.

4.  A child who lives in a state that requires school attendance must attend some acceptable school during the years of compulsory education.

5.  A cloth mill for many years, it was converted to corn.

6.  A comprehensive study done a few years ago focused on what particular quality was shared by winning race car drivers.

7.  A couple of years after they got Married, he started seeing other women.

8.  A couple of years afterwards I bumped into her in a supermarket.

9.  A couple of years ago May wrote a manifesto to alert the world to the advent of widespread encryption.

10.  A couple of years before, I got my jaw busted in a fight.

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