71.  We should work together to help our universities develop day by day.

72.  They needed to work and protect their home from defenders.

73.  Parents both work to gain the living, and have nearly the same obligation.

74.  It is men who are robust and physically strong that do most of the dirty, heavy and dangerous labor work.

75.  Women could do some heavy and dangerous labor work or play the role of a stateswoman like Mrs. Thatcher if they are interested in those jobs.

76.  But in my opinion, men and women don't have to play different roles in life of nowadays\

77.  Women also can work or have own companies.

78.  And moreover, due to her time-consuming, intensive work, Miranda is often stressed and angry.

79.  Everyone is unique and how can we work out what role should women play and what for men?

80.  If leaders prefer to men, then, detailed work is going to be charged by women, because women are more considerate sometimes, and they could always cope with details perfectly.

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