31.  Hence, men are more suitable to take on physical work.

32.  Besides, some physiological problems prevent women from continuous work for a long time.

33.  Males can serve as engineers, doctors, bodyguards and computer programmers, and females work as teachers, nurses, accountants and babysitters.

34.  As the saying goes, it's not tiring when men and women work together.

35.  Their features are undeniable diverse: men are normally masculine and strong physically, so they are suitable to work in those positions where physical labor is necessary; Women, however, are good workers in such areas as nurseries, hospitals, and schools because of their patient and tender care.

36.  If possible, a house-man or a woman who do manual work is also commendable.

37.  There is an old saying that it won't be tiring when men and women work together.

38.  Owing to the inherent tenderness and weakness in competitiveness and physiques compared to men, women take care of families and do family chores while men go out to work.

39.  Chinese traditional thought always think that the work managed by men, and the family managed by women.

40.  Women begin to employ themselves in some jobs which have been considered as men's work.

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