81.  Anyone could drape a fragment of self within these wrapped, tied, coiled, singed, scrunched-up, levitating pieces of cloth.

82.  Despite Huffman's good humor, a debate quietly roils within the astronomy community over the legitimacy of selling the names of the stars.

83.  Despite inflation predictions this year of betweeen 10 and 20 percent, there is even talk of new growth here within two years.

84.  Demolition will commence within days and, with that, the Carter will become Fort Worth's first museum building to begin catching up with contemporary times.

85.  Deng Xiaoping: I agree with all of you and suggest the martial law troops begin tonight to carry out the clearing plan and finish it within two days.

86.  Despite its lack of height _ only 48.6 inches tall _ the visibility from within the MR2 is good.

87.  Dennis Ross, the administration's special Middle East coordinator, said the United States will convene the first meeting of the working group within two weeks in Washington.

88.  Dent often intersperses his performances with narration, telling the audience to look for the artist within themselves.

89.  Despite the fracture, Robitaille is expected back within a month because of the enormous healing capacity he has shown in his career.

90.  Despite promises to sign within days, they have yet to do so.

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