51.  A busload of tourists came in behind us, Maybe twenty Hawaiians in Hawaiian shirts, with cameras and funny hats.

52.  A busy man, Johnny Cash, with a notoriously short attention span.

53.  A busy, friendly house with a great deal of character and a good range of whiskies and beers.

54.  A butch lesbian with motherly tendencies, she maintained her dignity and in some lights could look beautiful.

55.  A capital lease must be recorded on the balance sheet as a capital asset with an associated liability.

56.  A car converted to unleaded petrol can also run on leaded with no risk of damaging the engine.

57.  A car cruised by with a flag waving out the window.

58.  A car with tires in this condition is simply a death trap.

59.  A car-driving, home-owning, polytechnic lecturer with a fake northern accent, was a bleating guilty liberal, not a socialist.

60.  A career was less easy once I was lumbered with a husband and children.

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