31.  A bit later on, I saw you touring round with the army recruiting drive, giving demonstration bouts.

32.  A bit of companionship with fellow climbers and walkers is just the job at the end of a hard day.

33.  A black-haired woman with a long, sad face was inside.

34.  A blonde lady, with bouffant hair above a heavily lined, over-powdered face, addressed the chair.

35.  A borrower had a personal covenant with the lender who could still sue for outstanding debts.

36.  A bossy, fussy girl with only a few friends, she frustrated and alienated even the people who loved her most.

37.  A box with a blanket draped over the top to act as a door makes a home for how many children?

38.  A boy born with flippers, which never ceased twitching.

39.  A boy was carrying a stick across his shoulders with a pail of water at each end.

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