21.  A better word was values, with its inference of personal choice and personal responsibility.

22.  A big house, with no smoke rising from the chimneys.

23.  A big shiny pickup truck crammed with men in base-ball caps slowed down and took a look at me.

24.  A big young man came out of the plane with a short, thin, grey-haired one - Harald and Carl.

25.  A big, potential customer called with a major assignment.

26.  A bill comes in and along comes sugar daddy with a loan, you can t resist it.

27.  A biology student with a stutter now occupied the back room.

28.  A biopsy of brain tissue detected the presence of toxoplasmosis, which is relatively harmless in people with normally functioning immune systems.

29.  A bird had gained entry through one of the broken windows and flown helplessly around until it collided with her.

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