1.  - call me if you need anything.see youinformal used when saying goodbye to a friend who you will see again soon?

2.  I shall take your glowering silence to indicate you would.

3.  A baby would complete the picture of a straight family circle.

4.  A balance is possible for both music and speech and the right adjustment will make a noticeable difference.

5.  A balanced diet will give nutritional requirements in all the right proportions.

6.  A balanced diet will improve your general health.

7.  A ballot will be held and all new applicants will be notified of the result by mid May.

8.  A ban on tobacco industry name-brand sponsorship of sporting events would take effect a year later.

9.  A bank will also consider overall exposure to each country which will determine the need for loan portfolio diversification.

10.  A bar will also be carried on the train.

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