1.  A central core of keen and well-informed supporters whose enthusiasm, knowledge and confidence will draw new members like a magnet.

2.  A class in itself is simply a social group whose members share the same relationship to the means of production.

3.  A diverse family of warm-blooded mammals whose grace and beauty are well-known and appreciated across all five continents.

4.  A family whose wage earners are without medical coverage can lose everything when a child becomes seriously Ill.

5.  A few cane chairs with bright cushions stood near the windows, whose heavy drapes matched the carpeting.

6.  A few people carefully chosen, highly visible, whose deaths might be noticed.

7.  A good example is Washington, a city whose local infrastructure is controlled by blacks.

8.  A jeweller whose nose-rings take Manchester by storm?

9.  A large section is devoted to Peter Leonard of Soho whose graceful gothic shapes in slender metal certainly deserve a wider audience.

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