1.  When I met a person in the first time, I usually unconsciously prejudge him in accordance with my common knowledge.

2.  However, when I came closer, I found this American girl was very slim!

3.  She talked patiently when we freshmen asked numerous questions, always with sweet, clear and friendly voice.

4.  The second time when I met her, she was dancing at a farewell party.

5.  It was absolutely a huge surprise for me when I saw her doing Hip-pop Dancing with great passion, wearing white sleeveless garment and black miniskirt.

6.  And there were only 10 girls in the class when I was in the natural sciences.

7.  When I was in senior high, my cousin was admitted into Chinese University of Science and Technology.

8.  One day, I couldn't help asking her why she did that, she told me that, " When I entered the university at the very start, I thought it was time for me to relax.

9.  However, when I got to bed, my roommates didn't return and were studying in the library.

10.  When students enter university, the discrimination is continuing.

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