1.  A bird pecking at food grains could have known without learning what food looks like, or it could have learnt it.

2.  A case involving the intensely competitive newspaper industry demonstrates what May happen.

3.  A comprehensive study done a few years ago focused on what particular quality was shared by winning race car drivers.

4.  A hired hand who worked miracles and shared what little he had with those few who were less fortunate.

5.  A lot depends on what kind of occasion it is.

6.  A NationsBank spokesman Declined to say what title that person might hold.

7.  About every third property boasted a brand-new chain link fence, erected to corral Cod knows what kind of beast.

8.  After all, what right have they to keep it to themselves?

9.  After all, what strategic importance could an ordinary tutor hide in his ordinary office?

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