1. There is also a characteristic style of communication in Japan that is different from the Western way.
2. And ultimately, this route just might be a much easier one to navigate than the conventional Western ways of pairing up.
3. Around the globe, as traditional cultures swallow Western ways, dia betes cases are skyrocketing to epi demic proportions.
4. Back home, Western ways having taken hold, he becomes a shady entrepreneur with patent-leather hair and fancy clothes.
5. Because they speak English and are familiar with Western ways and culture, Filipinos are particularly attractive to Americans.
6. Behind the walls of the Forbidden City, Pu Yi, the last Chinese monarch before communism, learns of Western ways.
7. But he hated the New Deal and became ever more political in the well-worn Western way, winning election to the City Council and eventually the Senate.
8. But those places also represent a Western way of life that most Israelis seem to have embraced.
9. Ethnic Albanian women in the cities lead a more Western way of life, working in shops and dressing in modern fashions.
10. He says that the conversion from traditional to Western ways cannot be hurried and that investors should have faith in his country.