11.  Denmark life premiums climbed 14 percent to 88 million pounds while other overseas operations performed less well.

12.  Dennis' average of 1.5 putts per hole was well below his season mark of 1.8.

13.  Dennis Conner, the American skipper, sailed well to reach the finals, but his magic was not enough at the end.

14.  Dennis Rodman, well, never mind.

15.  Dennis Russell Davies, the conductor, seemed to have prepared the New York City Opera Orchestra unusually well, individual slips notwithstanding.

16.  Denny Neagle had better remember to say his prayers before he turns out the light Sunday night.

17.  Dense, crowded plants bloom best, and container plants flower best if somewhat root-bound.

18.  Denver also has a hard time covering receivers who run crossing patterns in the middle of the field, something else Mathis and Martin do well.

19.  Denver is not the league's best team because of its defense _ does Denver even have a defense?

20.  Denver microbiologist John Gerdes testified earlier this month that PCR works well in sterile environments, but could falter with evidence collected at messy crime scenes.

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