1.  Well, yes - a few show some reluctance at the calling-back Need some - further treatment.

2.  A better working environment than the diocesan office, Julia thought, as she surveyed it.

3.  A child might need to be prodded or compelled to keep a promise, or simply pressured to do a job well.

4.  A civilized society should treat its elderly members well.

5.  A clever way of stifling discussion and few could have done it so well.

6.  A design engineer might well require an appreciation of transmission line theory to ensure that the two connect together without data corruption.

7.  A doctor at Brecon Memorial Hospital said the boy was recovering well from exposure.

8.  A few have a better matching contribution plan.

9.  A few other members of the music world - too embarrassed or well mannered to have left - applauded with him.

10.  A few rain squalls perhaps, but the temperature was well above freezing.

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