81.  As a child, I'd often visit my father's business, and the only way to get to the entrance was to step over several sleeping men.

82.  Deputy District Attorney Christopher Darden declined to comment one way or another on the issue of Simpson's testifying.

83.  Deputy Energy Secretary Charles Curtis said recently that the industry's new ways of doing business "have made the markets more brittle and volatile."

84.  Deputy mayors and commissioners, who are not governed by union contracts, should be treated the same way, the mayor said.

85.  Delegates from the Organization of American States, a coalition of 34 nations, are gathering to discuss ways to bolster trade in North and South America.

86.  Delegates repeatedly called for debt forgiveness for the continent, which would total about $300 billion, as a way to fund the AIDS fight.

87.  Delgado said the health-care system treats Hispanics in a discriminatory way, offering the example of a study done in Los Angeles.

88.  Delightful humor gives way to a suspenseful, thought-provoking search for the pregnant female ape, whose unborn child threatens humanity's future.

89.  Delivery of packages will resume, officials said, as soon as airlines can set up ways to scrutinize them.

90.  Delk, in a way, had stolen Rhodes' thunder.

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