1.  A benefice consisting of six parishes can commonly have five patrons who all have views on their incumbent.

2.  A cement foundation of a farmhouse was still standing, and a few moldy lilac bushes shielded the barracks from view.

3.  A central part of our view of individual agents is our conviction that there is an explanatory link between belief and action.

4.  A clearer view exists of what services are not than of any positive identification of their characteristics.

5.  A climb up the Eildon Hills will present the energetic with stunning panoramic views of the surrounding gentle rolling countryside.

6.  A corollary of this view was that the content of the rules of natural justice could be relatively fired and certain.

7.  A cut-away view would show the relative size of the larger plants and indicate where they grew in relation to the banks.

8.  A cynical view would be that the West can act when it is in its interests.

9.  A different view of royal opportunism can be seen in the confirmation of charters for leading monasteries outside the demesne.

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