41.  Currid said there are several kinds of personal computer technologies that companies such as Schlumberger are using to change the way people work:

42.  Cursing someone out, using epithets are impolite ways to deal with your anger.

43.  Despite its quirks, Graffiti is finding favor among computer industry analysts and the growing list of manufacturers interested in using it with their products.

44.  Curtis Riggs of Via bus lines said he's still meeting the train in Merced and taking tourists up to the park, using old Highway 132.

45.  Designers seem to be infatuated with breasts, using see-through fabrics at every turn.

46.  Desperate for some success, I set the timer and tried it, using a standing mixer.

47.  Despite a ban on using federal money for investigations involving human embryos, the research and treatment go on.

48.  Democrats accused Republicans of using the Medicare changes to help pay for another element of the budget package, a $245 billion collection of tax cuts.

49.  Customers are expressing outrage at the surcharges banks impose on them for using automated teller machines owned by banks other than their own.

50.  Customers buying vegetarian burgers want to be sure that these are cooked in a separate area in the kitchen using separate utensils.

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