1. Congressional Republicans refuse even to entertain useful data.
2. It did contain some useful data.
3. It was yielding useful data Wednesday night, Blakey said.
4. Numerous new radar installations are coming on line to feed useful data for the entire interior portion of their Northeast sector.
5. Small, focused studies of groups of veterans that are under way or being planned probably are the best way to develop useful data, the panel said.
6. Some sites let children enter contests for merchandise or trips by filling out forms that include personal data useful to marketers.
7. The Caesar project is expected to yield data useful across industries.
8. The part of the camera that takes readings in ultraviolet wavelengths has failed, scientists said, preventing the collection of some useful data.
9. Typically, it is not all in one place, and you have to know where to look to find useful data.
10. With the flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder apparently located by a robot submarine and likely to be raised soon, useful data may be at hand.