1.  Any time you're in negotiations, you use whatever methods you can.

2.  Apart from the long, padded sunbathing lounges, there is nothing particularly comfortable about the seating, and park benches are used when movies are shown.

3.  Difference testing is used when an ice cream's ingredient must change; in this case the company has switched cookie suppliers.

4.  Digene's cervical cancer test is often used when a Pap smear exam is inconclusive.

5.  Divers can use whichever one they choose during the Olympics.

6.  Disorienting Kirk and DeWolf was one of the tactics Dunne's character used whenever he "interviewed" them on camera.

7.  Dole said tax rates need to be cut to restore a measure of personal freedom, the right to keep and use what you earn.

8.  Donald Kerr, director of the FBI's computer lab division, said Carnivore is used only when an ISP cannot provide the information requested under a court order.

9.  DNA is shaped like a double helix, and Nathans broke apart the long twisted strands of DNA molecules by using what is known as the restriction enzyme technique.

10.  Democrats nonetheless assailed Wednesday's procedure as undemocratic, in the same terms Republicans used when Democrats applied it to them last year.

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