1.  Depending on which computer you use, Tulane has the nation's 104th toughest schedule.

2.  Customers can run programs native to each machine at the same time from a single desktop just as if they were using one computer.

3.  Cypress Technology and E-Business Center, a division of Andersen, is scanning documents so that they may be more easily searched by lawyers using computers.

4.  Denning had told his roommates they could use his computer.

5.  Despite widespread access to computers, fewer than half of children use a computer each day, and they spend very little time doing so.

6.  Does he use a computer?

7.  Donald Foster, an English professor at Vassar College, first used a computer to discover a long-lost elegy of William Shakespeare.

8.  Doug Jones, a teacher at the Community Computing Center in Bayview-Hunters Point, said gang members do not use computers at that free center.

9.  DEP uses a computer to match scars shown on the sea cows in the Ortona photos with others on file.

10.  Drink heavily before using your computer.

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