1.  Strange Singulars Sometimes the plural or singular form of a noun is so rarely used that people forget what it is.

2.  I understood so few of the words they were using that the conversation sounded like nonsense to me.

3.  Any method is used that could stop dust getting in to them.

4.  Someone used that phrase to me last time.

5.  In this study, nude mice were used that do not possess mature T lymphocytes but do have natural killer cell activity.

6.  The fact that BBC and ITV rarely use the old test card any more means that people playing this anonymous instrumental pap are hard up for work.

7.  What props can you use that help signify the role -- a brief case?

8.  The complaint used to be, and still in some schools is, that they are done ad nauseam.

9.  There was an odd quality to the tone he used that sent her rushing in to speech.

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