1.  Never do the native speaker use them in a sentence such as"I can brook the coldness, it's all right to me".

2.  However, in an English book, the author use the words in many magnificent ways.

3.  When we read, we learn what a word really mean and how to\

4.  But we will certainly find it hard when we want to use the word in our writings because we don't know how to \

5.  Second, use some sign language to make your spoken language more vivid and easier to understand, at the same time, you can interact with partner in the eyes.

6.  Use telecommuting with correct selection and decision, only in this way can you benefit from telecommuting.

7.  Always use your own brains.

8.  Use critical thinking to change your life quickly, from now on.

9.  Let's use the internet in a rational way.

10.  Last but not least, use the critical thinking everywhere in our life.

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