21.  At this time, a tall girl wearing horsetail strode and passed by us with a light suitcase.

22.  She put down her bag on the table, gave us a cheery greeting and then left again.

23.  Most of us knew that "Cultivation of Ideological Morality" was a course of no importance even before we entered the university.

24.  "Well, are there any notes left for me? " he looked at us hopefully.

25.  For example, most of us would take it for granted that students from Xinjiang will have poor English since statistics of every year's English contest have actually proved it.

26.  Individual parts and their rights are totally ignored by us.

27.  Above all, what we heard and experienced before blocks us to find the truth.

28.  During the month, all of us tried our best, so did Qing.

29.  Later, her excellent eloquence and thinking ability made us even more impressive.

30.  It is not a place for us to have a break after the journey in senior school, right?

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