91.  Duff said the players' musical chemistry makes for a united front.

92.  Despite the ruckus, United did not budge from having once again led the way in reducing commissions paid to travel agents.

93.  Duplication in spending has long made Europe's military outlays much less cost-effective than those in the United States.

94.  Despite threatened defections, most of Barak's 68-member coalition united behind the fiscally stringent spending plan.

95.  During that hour delay, seven United airliners departed their gates, forcing the FAA to scramble to divert two jetliners to Chicago, where passengers were re-screened.

96.  During the 16 years that he has headed the Bonn government, he gained a reputation as probably the most ardent champion of a united Europe.

97.  During the cold war, the cause that most united conservatives was fervent opposition to the Soviet Union.

98.  During the next five or so years, United contributed money to the plan, and that money repaid the loan.

99.  Different people, united in soreness.

100.  Dustin Chamberlain, 20, a Glendale Community College student who has signed up for the Marines, said the terrorist assault united Americans and brought out their patriotism.

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