61.  A major rescue operation was launched yesterday after two divers were reported missing.

62.  A man from a cell ahead of mine, a slight figure, was knocked aside by two more powerful men working together.

63.  There were two men and a woman in the car.?

64.  A Married man with two children!

65.  A member of the Kennel Club, she kept most of the animals in small cages in two bedrooms.

66.  A member of the research team interviewed a number of pupils in two classes who had tackled the questions.

67.  A metal cage encased the weight-lifting area, which consisted of two tiny rooms.

68.  A moment or two afterward I was almost alone on horseback in the open field between the two lines of battle.

69.  A natural extension of the two approaches is to combine them and test both predictions at the same time.

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