1. Both known to be tough bosses.
2. But Spinner described the woman as an ambitious officer working for a tough boss and fearful of failing in her first big job.
3. By all accounts, Rumsfeld is a tough boss.
4. Despite his grandfatherly image, Cheney gets results by being a tough boss who demands high performance.
5. Greeniaus, who unwinds by lifting weights, is a tough boss.
6. Known as the Cobra by former employees, Ms. Sloate is the first to acknowledge that she can be a tough boss.
7. She has a reputation as a tough boss at an institution that has traditionally been marked by journalistic quality and internal discord.
8. The criticism of Martha Nachman might be chalked up to dissatisfaction with a tough boss who has rattled some bureaucratic cages if the matter ended there.
9. The Supreme Being is a surprisingly tough boss.
10. But many Muscovites, including city workers, admire Luzhkov as a tough boss who gets things done for the city.