31.  Any single senator, through the filibuster, can kill legislation by delaying it with prolonged debate.

32.  Any soldier marking time until Kosovo turns into a ground war should snap up a copy and get ready for the worst, as seen through Mauldin's eyes.

33.  Any spices in the brine also penetrate all the way through the meat.

34.  DeJong pokes her face through a hole in the board, as one would at a carnival stall.

35.  DeKalb police on Saturday combed through the front yard of the Brown family's brick ranch home on a dead-end street.

36.  Dekalb police spokesperson Mikki Jones flipped through pages and pages of names of journalists from across the country who want more information about the case.

37.  Dekas wants the Coach's Edge to add player's jersey numbers to the dots, instead of the numbers 1 through 5.

38.  Del Mar's 42-day season, highlighted by the $1 million Pacific Classic on Sunday, Aug. 29, will run through Wednesday, Sept. 8.

39.  Dela Cruz, who is 28 and was making her 12th flight in three weeks, sailed through the checkpoint.

40.  Delaware lost money on its Osprey holdings, but not nearly as much as it would have if it had held on through Enron's bankruptcy filing.

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