71.  Deposits _ called pipes _ were widespread in Canada's north, but the secret was finding those likely to contain enough diamonds to make mining worthwhile.

72.  Depreciating Asian currencies are making imports from those countries cheaper for German customers, analysts said.

73.  Depression is responsible for 10 percent of memory complaints in those over 65, says Swirsky-Sacchetti, who does testing of memory and other cognitive functions.

74.  Deputy Chief Thomas P. Fahey, a department spokesman, denied those claims, arguing that it did not make sense for officers to ignore blatant drug use.

75.  Deputy coroner Tom Walsh concluded that those injuries, along with a severed spinal cord, caused Kennedy's death.

76.  Delegation members said they were hopeful that the Chinese government would allow them unrestricted access to religious leaders in China, including those in prison.

77.  Delfin, then a dock worker in his early 20s, was among those in the family with great hopes for the revolution.

78.  Delgado and Raul Mondesi don't figure to exceed those figures this season.

79.  Delightfully, "A Walk in the Woods" (Broadway Books, $25) by renowned journalist and author Bill Bryson isn't one of those.

80.  Delivery routes are available to those 16 and older with a car, drivers license and insurance.

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