91.  "These activities are held by your department?

92.  With another glance at this mature girl, I was shocked to notice that she drew the eyeliner and coated lip gross.

93.  "Here are all the materials you'll need to finish the registration this afternoon.

94.  Before you start the procedure, don't forget to have a photo taken with the flag of DII to mark this special day.

95.  This is the third couple I saw this afternoon.

96.  Our mind is easily followed by these labels.

97.  Next time, when you meet a new guy, pay attention not to be lost in this trap.

98.  Before I enter the university, I hold this impression about dormitory supervisors, as well as many people else.

99.  After one-year study in the university, I get more knowledge, meet more people and learn more on this campus.

100.  Some of them may regard things such as raising hands and answering questions actively in class as silly actions, while some other may be under great pressure of being look down on by doing those things, for these behaviors are now considered as pupil behaviors.

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