41.  A distillery that wanted to launch a new brand of whisky would face this situation.

42.  A drawback of this fire-setting technique is that it was liable to impair the value of the product by cracking it.

43.  A dreadful place, this Passage.

44.  A dried cornflower ... How on earth did all this rubbish get into the file?

45.  A faint but more hopeful splutter, this time.

46.  A fast ride on a racing bicycle is the nearest thing in this world to man-powered flight.

47.  A federal bankruptcy court is scheduled to review the petition late this month.

48.  A federal court ruled this month that Napster helped users to violate music copyright laws.

49.  A few astronomers have raised doubts about this extrapolation from ordinary galaxies to all extragalactic objects.

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