31.  A considerable background literature exists on this topic but only recently has economic urgency again directed attention toward this method of conversion.

32.  A considerable part of these funds was passed on as dinar loans to domestic enterprises.

33.  A consideration of these ideas fostered the recognition that the children had social, racial and cultural identities as well as disabilities.

34.  A constant stream of spoken advice and directions that this child is less able to comprehend will thereby exaggerate her difficulty.

35.  A contract has been placed for the supply of this equipment to prisons that hold category A prisoners.

36.  A copy of my resume is attached to this letter.

37.  A corollary is that these fans derive pleasurable excitement from going on away trips and invading the territories of opposing fans.

38.  A corollary of this view was that the content of the rules of natural justice could be relatively fired and certain.

39.  A couple of earlier recordings are slightly disappointing compared to his live performances, but this low-key album shows Anderson to perfection.

40.  A couple of jumbo jets could land on the floor space that houses this bash.

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