61.  A faint but more hopeful splutter, this time.

62.  A fast ride on a racing bicycle is the nearest thing in this world to man-powered flight.

63.  A federal bankruptcy court is scheduled to review the petition late this month.

64.  A federal court ruled this month that Napster helped users to violate music copyright laws.

65.  A few astronomers have raised doubts about this extrapolation from ordinary galaxies to all extragalactic objects.

66.  A few floating plants can be grown with this to provide natural shade.

67.  A few living jawless fish are the only remnant of this ancient group, and they are highly specialized forms.

68.  A few minutes later, as she continued this type of play the baby doll got scared while sleeping.

69.  A few of the top executives are women, but this is still exceptional.

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