71.  As a composer, I think one of the sicknesses of our age is obsession with the past.

72.  As a consequence, I don't think we'll see technology making life easier for a while."

73.  As a consumer products executive, he sought to shake up Times Mirror and its way of thinking of newspapers as a business.

74.  Derek might be a better defender, but in the long run, who do you think can really help you win?

75.  Derek said she was completely unaware of the reference but thought it was pretty funny when she saw it in the movie during an early screening.

76.  Derifield scoffs at the fear, saying the grass carp he uses have been neutered and "don't even think about sex."

77.  Dermatologists say these nasty little flaws are easier to get rid of than most people might think.

78.  Despite all the praise, Gibson insists he isn't thinking about the future, specifically the thought of an NFL career.

79.  Despite assurances from IOC officials, few on Upton's panel think the IOC will clean up its act without a vigilant Congress overseeing the process.

80.  Despite being hit by a number of shots, Diallo remained standing, he said, adding that he thought Diallo must be wearing a bulletproof vest.

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