61.  " I thought to myself, still astonished.

62.  This makes me think of the gatekeeper showing up in The Big Bang Theory.

63.  We treat people in the way we think they should be.

64.  We regard people as what we think they ought to be.

65.  Eventually I lent him the money because I thought the unfamiliar look of embarrassment on his face would not tell a lie.

66.  It's the stereotyping that many students think that only the professional knowledge will be useful to them in the future.

67.  " I thought of the uncle patiently taking care of sick students and tried to say something to support him.

68.  I think it is a stereotyping for some people to believe that those who dress strangely is not friendly or kind.

69.  How great that they spend all the time reading, writing and thinking.

70.  As a person born and living in the south, I always thought people in the north are strapping, forthright, rude and cruel.

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