61.  Accordingly, organic acids are thought to accumulate.

62.  Ace thought that was another suspiciously lucky break, but she had no complaints.

63.  Adam Smith thought that specialization had the potential to degrade workers, too.

64.  Admittedly, after graduation, many students go no further in their reading and thinking.

65.  Admittedly, few people think of pentecostalism as being in the forefront of feminism.

66.  After a weekend of brooding silence and no service, Nigel began to think it had all been worth it.

67.  After all, thought I, I was the best qualified of those present to speak on the subject of the future.

68.  After doing a preliminary design, you would think about it, modify it and then knit it.

69.  After my second or third game, I was very depressed, thinking so much had gone wrong.

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