61.  As a Central European whose family fled first the Nazis and then the Communists, she has been especially concerned about crimes against humanity.

62.  Cummings then handed the gun to Gay, who got out of the car, walked up to the fallen officer and fired five shots into his body.

63.  Cuneo (she was Ann Curtis then) swam wearing a belt connected to a pulley weight attached to the door of the pool room.

64.  Cunningham converted 10 minutes later, stealing a chip from Cate and holding off Leo Cullen, then firing past goalkeeper Jose Carlos Fernandez.

65.  Cunningham had a brief stint in the league as an offensive lineman for the Giants and then the Cleveland Browns.

66.  Cuomo also recalled his first inauguration, looking out and seeing the aging Leprechauns and Erins and Celtics, and then seeing his old coach.

67.  Cuomo and the center's pliant board of directors then looked the other way as Palomino produced yet more mismanagement, toleration of corruption and only modest reforms.

68.  Cuomo asked Laurino, and then he posed the question that became her book's title, establishing between them a bond of ethnic ambivalence.

69.  Deputies then rubbed cotton swabs dipped in pepper spray on the protesters' eyelids and sprayed some of them in the face.

70.  Deputy District Attorney Marcia Clark had said in her closing arguments that if the jury believed Park's recollections, then it had to believe the defendant was guilty.

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