1.  A Decidedly negative verdict in the financial Markets or the polls could bring the two sides back to the table.

2.  A tumour or trauma in one side of the brain causes a loss in the field of vision on the other side.

3.  According to one well-informed source, the two sides are very near to reaching an agreement.

4.  Across an empty lot, on the other side, was an Ames supermarket.

5.  After being introduced, the officials from the two sides had little choice but to mingle.

6.  After ethics committee members question the two sides, they will meet privately to Decide on a punishment recommendation.

7.  After two weeks of negotiations the two sides still cannot agree on the conditions.

8.  And setting up the sound waves in the air at the other side.

9.  At the moment the two sides joined, they kissed like lips.

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