61.  A basic economic assumption in a Market economy is the continual adjustment of supply and demand toward an equilibrium point.

62.  A basic issue between Paul and the Corinthian problem children was over a proper understanding of the self.

63.  A bastion of male privilege on the rocky Dublin shoreline, so called because of the water depth.

64.  A baton twirler carried the flag.

65.  A battalion of infantry that was Marching towards the cabriolet shuffled on to the grass verge.

66.  A battery of field guns had been increasing its activity over the last hour, Reeves reported.

67.  A bawdy striptease at the Ed Sullivan Theater.

68.  A beach ball fell from the overhead luggage-tray.

69.  A beagle with her intestines lying on the concrete, and lab technicians microwaving animals out of boredom.

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