71.  A climate of mistrust arises that, once in place, makes it more likely that the issues become undiscussable.

72.  A close inspection reveals that in a past life they were oxygen tanks.

73.  A close study of the small print will reveal that many of these insurance policies do not cover the cost of repairing storm damage.

74.  A closed loop is a self-contained unit that has no identifiable beginning or end, like a circle or an integrated circuit.

75.  A closed loop that some one can catch their foot in and trip is one of the most frequent causes of industrial accidents.

76.  A closer look reveals a galaxy of gossamer threads that reach out to anchor the organism to rocks or other surfaces.

77.  A college football association is charged with conspiring to limit the number of college games that football fans can see on television.

78.  A Colonel Herbinger, drunk at the time, thought in his stupor that the enemy had launched a massive attack.

79.  A combination of the two processes means that you can use seven years of unused tax relief in one tax year.

80.  A commission appointed by the governor concluded that even a regiment could not have controlled the mob.

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