41.  A consequence of the lower risk is that many futures exchanges require lower Margins for spreads than for single positions.

42.  A conservative policy implies that the firm is less aggressive in minimizing current assets and employing short-term debt.

43.  A considerable proportion of parenting is in the mundane details that women are raised to manage.

44.  A consideration of these ideas fostered the recognition that the children had social, racial and cultural identities as well as disabilities.

45.  A converted physicist not afraid of over-simplification, Valentino Braitenberg, has proposed a scheme so simple that it needs no diagram.

46.  A corollary is that these fans derive pleasurable excitement from going on away trips and invading the territories of opposing fans.

47.  A corollary of this view was that the content of the rules of natural justice could be relatively fired and certain.

48.  A corporate financial analyst then pointed out that the compensation formula Dave had developed would be impracticable on a company-wide level.

49.  A couple of downstairs lights suggested that it was open, but of customers Karelius could see no sign.

50.  A couple of early speeches suggested that he might Marry innovative approaches with a commitment to U.S. leadership.

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