51.  A cellular phone is really a mobile radio system that sends a signal out over public airwaves.

52.  A cemetery and a museum are two different institutions that have different functions.

53.  A central part of our view of individual agents is our conviction that there is an explanatory link between belief and action.

54.  A certain level of corruption is tolerated as part of the grease that oils the wheels of the republic.

55.  A Chambers colleague remarked on seeing it that it must be like driving around in a Smartie.

56.  A champagne theme is suggested and repeated in the elaborate pewter railing that edges the second-floor balcony overlooking the bar.

57.  A change in circumstances that could not have been predicted exactly does not mean that planning was incorrect in the first place.

58.  A characteristic of human verbal expression of pain is that it contains a mixture of private suffering and public display.

59.  A charred entryway and the remains of a few walls were all that was left of the Rising Star Baptist Church.

60.  A cheque book and an airline ticket - that is all it needed to bathe in that heat so far away.

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