81.  A riposte to that argument was provided by Sea Containers, the shipping group headed by James Sherwood.

82.  A scientist does experi merits, and no experiment I have ever done proves that air pollution is hurting those trees.

83.  A second after I gave him that answer, I felt a flood of hot, salty tears gush down my cheeks.

84.  A serious delay in modernizing the complex could threaten that compromise.

85.  A single bold stroke can not resolve political difficulties as fundamental as those Mondale faced and Dole now confronts.

86.  A single Macintosh disk, on the other hand, could hold ten of those chapters!

87.  A slight extension of those bands could ease the extra cost that might be brought about by improvements.

88.  A slight variation in this household was that one social worker stayed behind.

89.  A slim slice of those revenues has always been cut for the communities in the oil fields, local politicians say.

90.  A small number of competitors at those Games were found to have smoked Marijuana recently.

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