1.  A boy playing hooky in Texas is not a criminal who is put away for study.

2.  A goodly portion of this land is valuable property near Austin, the capital of Texas.

3.  A group of Texas businessmen would put up the money to bury the broadcast, he said.

4.  A new poll makes drought-stricken Texas look like an oasis for the support-thirsty presidential campaign of presumptive Republican nominee Bob Dole.

5.  A news announcer is describing an incident that occurred yesterday in Texas.

6.  All this is bad news for Texas agriculture.

7.  Already, Idec Pharmaceuticals is looking at building a factory in Texas or another non- California site.

8.  An affronted Legislature has changed the law so that Texas governments can no longer sue those seeking records.

9.  And his win-at-all-costs upbringing in Texas politics left no room for sentimentality.

10.  And, through their blunders and miscalculations, they altered the course of Texas history.

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