1. Fish cakes of all kinds are a terrific way to use up leftovers or stretch a quantity of protein.
2. So jury service he thinks is a terrific way of improving the jurors.
3. Biking, hiking and multisport vacations with the family are a terrific way to spend a week or two outdoors with like-minded families.
4. Businesses of all stripes, shapes and sizes lust after every tidbit they can gather about the consumer because it is a terrific way to make extra dough.
5. Even those who hate to shop may think this would be a terrific way to try on clothes.
6. Golfing, hiking, bicycling, walking, hiking and horseback riding are all terrific ways to see the Emerald Isle at a relaxed pace.
7. Learning to read is a terrific way to promote independence, and summer is the perfect time to pick up a book.
8. Match play is a terrific way to determine a golf champion.
9. Online forums are a terrific way to make connections with people facing similar challenges and to draw on the collective wisdom of other families.
10. Regardless of how things have gone to this point, a victory here would be a terrific way to end the trip.