1.  As a junior House member, he used to dazzle colleagues by succinctly and accurately summarizing tedious hearings and doing so tactfully without offending his seniors.

2.  Depending on the entertainment booking, halftimes in the league often border on corny and tedious.

3.  Despite the seemingly tedious pace of the investigation, authorities from both countries remain confident they will find more bodies.

4.  Despite their best efforts, however, "Sonata for Two Cellos" looked like an overextended and eventually tedious fragment.

5.  Despite abridgement, the story includes tedious lists of, for example, what a group of passengers ordered at the bar.

6.  Despite its sometimes tedious nature, DNA evidence is considered the heart of the prosecution's case.

7.  Digital editing not only makes the work less tedious but is also a transferable skill.

8.  Do not fail to do one or the other: restoration from floppies will be tedious, but it should get the computer running again from a standing start.

9.  Doing dishes over and over may seem tedious, but it's the only way, she says, to really make it better.

10.  Don't get hustled by this tedious gay porn flick masquerading as a satire.

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