1.  A bill to let workers carry health insurance coverage from one employer to another should be a sure bet to become law.

2.  A chocolate dessert is a sure crowd-pleaser.

3.  A few miles away, in the small house that Sally, Roy and Cicely share, Sally is not so sure.

4.  A game that can be played by all the family is quite rare so this is sure to be popular among readers.

5.  A glance at the map made Charles pretty sure that that gun was now in the Thames.

6.  A lay-up, it should be said, was jargon for a gamble that was sure to succeed.

7.  A leading figure in the Arab world, sure that the Third World should not align itself with either superpower.

8.  A lot of people were fooled by what he said, but I was sure he was lying.

9.  A man does not spend his time hiding from the world without making sure to cover his tracks.

10.  A publican had to make sure that the gift was not too obvious.

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