1. Among the supporting players, Kyra Sedgwick shows an enjoyably gleeful malice as Felicia Potter, the scheming daughter of a paralyzed patient.
2. Among the many supporting players, the absolute standout is Oscar-winner Jon Voight, no longer slender and boyish looking, as Franklin Roosevelt.
3. Among this lineup of comic all-stars, however, he preferred to think of himself as a supporting player.
4. And at most places, big or small, information technology specialists are seen as supporting players rather than integral decision makers.
5. And maybe the supporting players, a little too stereotypical, will get better.
6. And though Ally gets lonely and feels left out, the wife is only a supporting player.
7. As a result, EMC for years was seen as a supporting player in the storage industry.
8. As a supporting player, the black-hatted buddy plays a pivotal role in infusing the act with drive and attitude.
9. Bella Bechstein, Naughty Nickers and Harmony are good supporting players.
10. Best of all, however, are the supporting players.