1. These premises are often inadequate to support good practice.
2. But a majority of teachers objected to testing all students for drugs, while a small majority of teen-agers supported the practice.
3. But in public debate, this subject is taboo, and doctors who support the practice are reluctant to speak out.
4. Doctors, social workers, and the American Humane Society testified in support of the bill, saying that the current law supports practices that endanger children.
5. In his radio address last week, Clinton said the amendment is unnecessary because public schools already support voluntary practice of religious beliefs.
6. Many doctors who support the practice in theory say they could not do it themselves.
7. No doubt this scholarly pianist can cite reams of historic evidence to support this practice.
8. Objective evidence does not support this practice.
9. On his show, Peterson noticed that black callers seemed to support the practice more than white ones.
10. Santa Fe officials had previously supported the practice of prayer during pregame messages, but the district said its hands were tied because of an earlier appeals court ruling.