1.  The next big state company slated for sale after Light is Cia.

2.  He said that guerrilla attacks would henceforth be directed at military targets, state companies and economic installations among others.

3.  These included selling off minority shareholdings in state companies, halting all subsidies and incentives for eight months, stricter monetary discipline and more efficient tax collection.

4.  Measures aimed at opening up the economy to foreign investment and the privatization of state companies continued apace throughout November.

5.  The programme continued to emphasize the need for fundamental fiscal adjustment measures, the continued deregulation of the economy and the privatization of state companies.

6.  A single state company in Usk-Ilimsk region, for example, is felling a forest the size of Switzerland.

7.  A private operator won the first five franchises, but after that, the state company S J won all but one of the remaining sixteen.

8.  The customers enjoy all the benefits of private sector efficiency from a state company.

9.  Also rising were shares in state mining company Cia Vale do Rio Doce, or CVRD.

10.  Among other large state stocks that declined were regional utility Cia. Energetica de Minas Gerais, or Cemig, and state mining company Cia. Vale do Rio Doce.

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