1. Do you know what time our first class starts?
2. Perhaps we could have dinner out first depending on what time it starts.
3. As soon as you push back starting times, you push back afternoon activities.
4. For instance, Amazon has developed an e-mail service to notify subscribers free of charge about movies playing in their neighborhoods, including starting times.
5. He did not know what time he started toward the airport.
6. He had a two-fold reason for beginning TBS programming slightly off the traditional hour and half-hour starting times, according to Tom Hughes of TBS Sports.
7. He was a nine-time All-Star and started five times, but this was his only All-Star homer.
8. Pulling out of the TPC only three hours before his Thursday starting time, Norman nonetheless says his status for Augusta is solid.
9. Spectators had lined up about eight deep before the parade starting time in front of trendy Colorado Boulevard storefronts that were boarded up against potential vandalism.
10. The current crop of pay-per-view services have set starting times for movies.